Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Journey Begins... Almost.

They say my life is about to be changed forever. A few weeks ago I found out, for sure, that I would be moving to Bhutan to teach. Well, it's almost here. T-minus seven days until I fly out to Toronto. (Should that be B-minus...?)

This blog is intended to be a way both for me to keep everyone back home (and everywhere else!) updated, and also to keep a record of my adventures for myself and for future generations! I'm hoping to include lots of pictures too. I don't know if it will be funny, a place for me to stand on my soap box, or even all that interesting. I invite you to stay tuned and see for yourself.

People keep asking me if I'm excited. Well, of course I am but it's very exhausting to jump up and down for three months straight. I'm jumping up and down on the inside. Right now I am still hammering out final finicky details. Nothing too serious is threatening to go wrong, but there's enough that it's pretty stressful. Indian transit visa. New shoes that fit. It will get done. It has to.

That's all for now; I'd like to get a post up with the basics of my trip when I get the time. I have no idea how regular posts will be once I land in Bhutan, but hopefully they won't be too few and far between. For all my posts, comments and questions welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Bon voyage, little sister! I know you will be fine but I'd like to keep you wrapped in white light during your journey to protect you and keep your travels safe and fun.

    Lotsa love,
    Tina, watching from the 4th floor balcony in Esquimalt.
